Today, TdB Labs AB is launching a new set of pH probes;
- FITC-TRITC-dextran (FTD) 500
- FITC-AR-dextran (FARD) 20
Since a long time, TdB Labs AB has been manufacturing dextrans labeled with single fluorophores [FITC, TRITC, and Antonia Red (AR)] that are being sold globally. We have now used the same standard and expertise to manufacture dextrans labeled with dual fluorophores that can be effectively used with intravital microscopy and fluorescence imaging. FITC is a dye that is responsive to pH, while TRITC and AR show pH independent behavior. Both the pH probes, FTD of 500kDa and FARD of 20kDa, work well in the pH range of 3.5-8.0.