Board members

Camilla Huse-Bondesson

Camilla Huse Bondesson

Chairman of the Board

With a background of more than 30 years in the biotech supply, diagnostic and med tech industry, Camilla has extensive experience gained in commercial, marketing management and executive roles. She has acquired her business understanding from managerial, strategic and operational positions in start-ups as well as global companies. She is appreciated as a business coach for life science companies and her skills include commercialization strategies, market positioning and overall business development.

Charlotte de Belder Tesséus

Charlotte de Belder Tesséus

Company Executive Officer

Charlotte received her B.Sc in Physiotherapy in 1996 and worked for many years at the Department of Neurology, Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala University Hospital which is Sweden’s oldest university hospital. From 2008 until 2014 she worked as a Lecturer in physiotherapy at the Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University. Since 1990 she has been responsible for Administration and Business Management in TdB Consultancy and is now the Company Executive Officer.

Tony de Belder

Tony de Belder

Director, Scientific Consultant

Tony received his B.Sc. from University College London and thereafter continued on a PhD programme involving carbohydrate derivatives of ferrocene. After a series of post-docs. (Royal Holloway College, Univ. of London and Träforsknings Institute in Stockholm), he then began a long career in R & D at Pharmacia, Uppsala in a department devoted to applications of polysaccharides and their derivatives as pharmaceuticals. The research was mostly directed on dextran and dextran derivatives. This work naturally involved not only chemistry but also intimate contact with quality assurance and quality control, pharmacological and formulation issues including stability and bioassays.

In 1990, Tony started a consultancy company and began to market a limited range of products for research, in particular a special dextran sulphate fraction (known now as DSS) for research on ulcerous colitis. As a consultant, he worked extensively for Amersham Biosciences developing new dextran products and documentation. During this time he also helped major pharmaceutical, diagnostic and biotech. organisations in Sweden and abroad on diverse projects mostly involving dextran.

In 2009. the company moved to new premises in Uppsala Business Park and begun a period of expansion.

Tony is a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and has contributed extensively to scientific journals, reviews and encyclopedias on many aspects of carbohydrates but mostly dextran related topics. A selection of these publications is given below.

Publication list


1. Belder, E.J.Bourne and J.B.Pridham, ß-Glucopyranosides of Hydroxymethyl- and Hydroxyethyl-ferrocene, J.Chem.Soc., 1961, 879, 4464-4467.

2. Belder, B.Lindberg and O.Theander, Partial methylation Studies on methyl ß-D-Glucopyranoside and some Derivatives, Acta Chem. Scand., 1962, 16, 2005-2009.

3. Belder, P.J.Garegg, B.Lindberg et al., The Preparation of 2-tetrahydropyranyl ß-D-Glcopyranosides and methyl 4-(2-tetrahydropyranyl) –ß-D-glucopyanosides, Acta Chem. Scand., 1962, 16, 623-628.

4. Belder, E.J.Bourne and H.Weigel, Studies on tert-butyl derivatives of D-Glucose, Carbohyd.Res.,1966, 3, 1-6.

5. Belder, B.Lindberg and S.Svensson, Synthesis of Keto-dextrans, Acta Chem. Scand., 1968, 22, 949-952.

6. Belder and B.Norrman, The Distribution of substituents in Partially Acetylated Dextran, Carbohyd. Chem., 1968, 8, 1-6.

7. Belder and B.Norrman, The Substitution Patterns of O-(2-hydroxyethyl)starch and O-(2-hydroxyethyl)dextran, 1969, 10, 391-394.

8. K.A.Granath, R.Strömberg and Belder, Studies on Hydroxyethyl Starch, Die Stärke, 1969, 21, 251-256.

9. A.W.Richter and Belder, Antibodies against Hydroxyethylstarch produced in Rabbits by Immunisation with a Protein-Hydroxyethylstarch conjugate, Int.Archs Allergy Appl. Immun., 1976, 52, 307-314.

10. Belder and K.Granath, Preparation and Properties of Fluorescein-labelled dextrans, Carbohydr. Chem., 1973, 30, 375-378.

11. Belder and K.O.Wik, Preparation and Properties of Fluorescein-labelled hyaluronate, Carbohydr. Chem., 1975, 44, 251-257.

12. Belder and E.Wirén, Convenient synthesis of 2-substituted derivatives of methyl alpha-D-glucoside. Carbohyd.Res., 1972, 24, 166-168.

13. L.Ahrgren and Belder, The action of Fenton’s reagent on Dextran, Die Stärke, 1975, 27, 121-123.

14. Belder, Cyclic acetals of the aldoses and aldosides, in Advances Carbohydr.Chem.,1965, 20, 219-302.

15. Belder, Dextran in ‘Industrial Gums’, Academic Press, N.Y. 1993, 399-425.

16. Belder, Dextran in ‘Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley, 2009.




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